Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing
The Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing course explores the latest cutting-edge science into how nutrition, eating patterns and dietary quality impact on our mental health, stress levels and can contribute to the development of mental health conditions including anxiety and depression. This fascinating, user-friendly nutrition course looks at the latest research into stress, anxiety, depression and mental wellbeing. The Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing provides a comprehensive overview of the human stress response, neurotransmitters, hormones, gut health and the microbiome as well as how body shape and composition can influence our mental health and wellbeing.

Nutrition for Mental Health (Stress, Anxiety & Depression) Course – Flexible Online Learning
“Globally, more than 264 million people suffer from depression”
World Health Organization, 2023
This mental health and wellbeing nutrition course is designed for individuals who are new to the topic or for those seeking professional development in mental health, social work, community health, or workplace health and stress-management programs. The Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Health course is also appropriate for health, nutrition and fitness professionals working with clients to support stress management and mental wellbeing.
Course Fee: $450 (includes a complete, printed course pack express posted, online access to all learning materials plus ongoing learning support).

Course Delivery: Flexible online nutrition course (you do not need to attend lectures or exams). Complete, professionally-presented texts and printed course pack express posted plus all study materials available online.
Study Duration: 50 hours self-paced over 6 months. You can complete your courses as quickly as you like or extend your studies at no extra cost (conditions apply).
Study Support: Highly qualified Australian nutrition professionals to support your learning.
Assessment: Open-book, untimed exam that you complete at your own pace. Combination of multiple choice, short answer and case study questions.
Course prerequisites: None
Course Pathways: The Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing is one of three subjects in our Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching course (so you will only need to complete (and pay for) two more subjects to be eligible for the Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health – please see the course page and enrolment terms and conditions for details).
Course Tutor: Registered Nutritionist Kristen Beck (M.Hum.Nut., B.H.Sc). Find out more about Kristen’s qualifications and professional experience here.

Course Overview: Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Health (Anxiety & Depression)
- Chapter 1: Dietary Quality & Mental Health (Focus Point: Overarching dietary recommendations for mental health – an anti-inflammatory approach
- Chapter 2: Stress, Anxiety & Depression (Focus Point: Brain and nervous system anatomy
- Chapter 3: Carbohydrate foods and their role in stress, anxiety & depression (Focus Point: Sugars and Processed Carbohydrates)
- Chapter 4: Protein foods and their role in mental wellbeing (Focus Point: Amino acids, proteins, hormone and neurotransmitters)
- Chapter 5: Dietary fats and their role in stress, anxiety and depression (Focus Point: Omega 3 fatty acids and mental health)
- Chapter 6: Foods, nutrient and dietary recommendations for mental health wellbeing (Focus Point: Practical strategies to improve nutritional intake while managing anxiety or depression)
- Chapter 7: Physical activity and mental health wellbeing (Focus Point: Overtraining and excessive reliance on exercise as a coping mechanism)
- Chapter 8: Disordered eating patterns (restrictive); Underweight, eating disorders and the link to mental health and coping mechanisms (Focus Point: How restrictive eating impacts mental health)
- Chapter 9: Disordered eating patterns; Overeating, overweight and obesity (Focus Point: The health effects of stress-induced obesity)
- Chapter 10: Modern technology’s role in mental wellbeing
- Chapter 11: Practical considerations – nutrition for stress, anxiety and depression (Focus Point: Gut microbiota and mental health)
- Chapter 12: Seeking professional advice and referrals for mental health
What our students say about the Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing
“Interesting and valuable information which was up-to-date, lots of scientific evidence provided for information in each module. Simple to understand material. Can fit course into busy schedule. Accredited and I loved the extra reading provided and extra optional assessments to test my knowledge and reinforce it. Enjoyed the learning and was never bored. Loved it. Great experience.” Donna Gramatikos
“Very happy. The materials were easy to follow and understand. I would recommend this course and look forward to future studies with Beck Health”.
“Easy to follow / easy to learn. Appropriate amount of time to complete” Amy Seear, Registered Psychologist

The Certificate of Nutrition, Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing course is a comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly study of the latest research into how food, nutrition and eating patterns impact our mental wellbeing. Completing this course counts towards our Advanced Certificate of Nutrition & Health Coaching